eul->matrix(arg0: matrix, arg1: euler-angles) => matrixsource
Convert euler angles to rotation matrix.
eul->quat(arg0: quaternion, arg1: euler-angles) => quaternionsource
Convert euler angles to quaternion
matrix->eul(arg0: euler-angles, arg1: matrix, arg2: int) => euler-anglessource
Conver matrix to euler angles. Takes some weird flag for what kind of euler angles
quat->eul(arg0: euler-angles, arg1: quaternion, arg2: int) => euler-anglessource
Convert quaternion to euler angles. The last argument is euler flags
set-eul!(arg0: euler-angles, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: int) => euler-anglessource
Set the euler angles. The 4th argument is for flags.
rgba: uint32source
xyzw: uint128source
xyzwh: uint128source
fractional-part(x: float) => floatsource
Get the fractional part of a float
lerp(minimum: float, maximum: float, amount: float) => floatsource
Interpolate between minimum and maximum. The output is not clamped.
lerp-clamp(minimum: float, maximum: float, amount: float) => floatsource
Interpolate between minimum and maximum, but saturate the amount to [0, 1]
lerp-scale(min-out: float, max-out: float, in: float, min-in: float, max-in: float) => floatsource
Interpolate from [min-in, max-in] to [min-out, max-out].
If the output is out of range, it will be clamped.
This is not a great implementation.
log2(x: int) => intsource
Straight out of Bit Twiddling Hacks graphics.stanford.edu.
This website is old enough that they possibly used this back
in 1999.
rand-uint31-gen(gen: random-generator) => uintsource
Generate a supposedly random integer.
Note, this might not quite be right.
But the highest bit is always zero, like it says
and it looks kinda random to me.
rand-vu-float-range(minimum: float, maximum: float) => floatsource
Get a random number in the given range.
TODO: is this inclusive? I think it's [min, max)
rand-vu-init(seed: float) => floatsource
Initialize the VU0 random generator
rand-vu-int-count(maximum: int) => intsource
Get an integer in [0, maximum)
rand-vu-int-range(first: int, second: int) => intsource
Get an integer the given range. Inclusive of both?
It looks like they actually did this right??
rand-vu-nostep() => floatsource
Get the number currently in the random generator.
This will be equal to the last call of (rand-vu)
This will not update the random generator
rand-vu-percent?(prob: float) => symbolsource
Get a boolean that's true with the given probability.
seek(x: float, target: float, diff: float) => floatsource
Move x toward target by at most diff, with floats
seekl(x: int, target: int, diff: int) => intsource
Move x toward a target by at most diff, with integers
truncate(x: float) => floatsource
Truncate a floating point number to an integer value.
Positive values round down and negative values round up.
*_vu-reg-R_*: intsource
matrix: structuresource
matrix-copy!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Copy src to dst
column-scale-matrix!(dst: matrix, scale: vector, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Scale an existing matrix. Okay for dst = src. The scaling is applied column-wise.
Meaning the x component of scale will scale the first column of src.
matrix*!(dst: matrix, src1: matrix, src2: matrix) => matrixsource
Set dst = src1 * src2. It is okay for any arguments to be the same data.
This is a moderately efficient implementation.
matrix+!(dst: matrix, src1: matrix, src2: matrix) => matrixsource
Set dst = src1 + src2. It is okay for any arguments to be the same data.
This is not an efficient implementation.
matrix-!(dst: matrix, src1: matrix, src2: matrix) => matrixsource
Set dst = src1 - src1. It is okay for any arugments to be the same data.
This is not an efficient implementation.
matrix-3x3-determinant(mat: matrix) => floatsource
Compute the determinant of a 3x3 matrix
matrix-3x3-inverse!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Compute the inverse of a 3x3 matrix. Not very efficient.
Requires src != dst.
matrix-3x3-inverse-transpose!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Invert and transpose.
Requires dst != src.
matrix-4x4-determinant(dst: matrix) => floatsource
Take the determinant of a 4x4 matrix, but this is wrong.
matrix-4x4-inverse!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Invert a 4x4 matrix. This assumes that the input is a homogeneous transform.
Src and dst can be the same.
matrix-4x4-inverse-transpose!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Invert and transpose an entire 4x4. I think has no restrictions, other than dst != src. Unused.
The answer is wrong. The determinant function is wrong.
matrix-axis-angle!(dst: matrix, axis: vector, angle-deg: float) => nonesource
Create an axis-angle rotation matrix.
matrix-axis-sin-cos!(dst: matrix, axis: vector, s: float, c: float) => matrixsource
Create an axis-angle rotation matrix. But given the sin/cos of the angle.
matrix-axis-sin-cos-vu!(dst: matrix, axis: vector, s: float, c: float) => nonesource
Create an axis-angle rotation matrix. But given the sin/cos of the angle.
matrix-identity!(dst: matrix) => matrixsource
Set dst to the identity matrix.
matrix-inv-scale!(dst: matrix, scale: vector) => matrixsource
Set dst to a homogeneous transform with only a scale.
The x,y,z components of scale are inverted and used as the x,y,z scaling factors
matrix-inverse-of-rot-trans!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Set dst = src^-1, assuming src is a homogeneous tranform with only rotation/translation.
matrix-lerp!(dst: matrix, src1: matrix, src2: matrix, alpha: float) => matrixsource
Lerp an entire matrix, coefficient-wise.
matrix-rotate-x!(dst: matrix, rot-deg: float) => matrixsource
Set dst to a homogeneous transform matrix for a rotation around the x-axis (degrees)
matrix-rotate-xyz!(dst: matrix, rot-xyz-deg: vector) => matrixsource
Rotate in x,y,z order
matrix-rotate-y!(dst: matrix, rot-deg: float) => matrixsource
Set dst to a homoegeneous transform matrix for a rotation around the y axis (degrees)
matrix-rotate-yx!(dst: matrix, rot-y-deg: float, rot-x-deg: float) => matrixsource
Rotate by y then x.
matrix-rotate-yxy!(dst: matrix, rots-deg: vector) => matrixsource
Rotate. I believe in yxy order? Compared to the other rotations, this one
is quite a bit more optimized and avoid repeated trig operations.
matrix-rotate-yxz!(dst: matrix, rot-xyz-deg: vector) => matrixsource
Rotate in y,x,z order.
matrix-rotate-yzx!(dst: matrix, rot-xyz-deg: vector) => matrixsource
Rotate in y,z,x order
matrix-rotate-z!(dst: matrix, rot-deg: float) => matrixsource
Set dst to a homogeneous transform matrix for a rotation around the z-axis (degrees)
matrix-rotate-zxy!(dst: matrix, rot-xyz-deg: vector) => matrixsource
Rotate in z,x,y order
matrix-rotate-zyx!(dst: matrix, rot-xyz-deg: vector) => matrixsource
Rotate in z,y,x order.
matrix-scale!(dst: matrix, scale: vector) => matrixsource
Set dst to a homogenous transform with only a scale. The x,y,z components
of scale become the x,y,z scaling factors
matrix-translate!(dst: matrix, trans: vector) => matrixsource
Set dst to a homogeneous transform with only a translation of trans
matrix-translate+!(dst: matrix, src: matrix, trans: vector) => matrixsource
Add the given translation to the translation of homogenous transform mat src
and store in dst. It is okay for dst = src.
matrix-transpose!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Set dst = src^T. src and dst can be the same.
matrix-y-angle(mat: matrix) => floatsource
If mat has its upper 3x3 as a rotation, gets the y axis rotation.
matrix3-determinant(arg0: matrix) => floatsource
Unused. Not sure if this has limitations compared to the above version.
matrix3-inverse-transpose!(dst: matrix, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Unused. Not sure if this has limitations compared to other version.
matrixp*!(dst: matrix, src1: matrix, src2: matrix) => matrixsource
Set dst = src1 * src2. NOTE: this function is a wrapper around matrix*!
that adds no additional functionality. It seems to be a leftover from
a time when matrix*! wasn't safe to use in place. This is unused.
scale-matrix!(dst: matrix, scale: vector, src: matrix) => matrixsource
Scale an existing matrix. Okay for dst = src. The scaling is applied per row.
This means the x component of scale is used to scale the first row of src.
The w component of scale IS USED!!
vector-matrix*!(dst: vector, vec: vector, mat: matrix) => vectorsource
Set dst = vec * mat. dst may be equal to src.
vector-rotate*!(dst: vector, vec: vector, mat: matrix) => vectorsource
Set dst to be the input vector rotated by the rotation part of mat.
The input matrix should be a homogeneous transform with a rotation matrix as its upper-left 3x3.
dst may be equal to src.
vector3s-matrix*!(dst: vector3s, vec: vector3s, mat: matrix) => vector3ssource
Set dst to be ([src 1.0] * mat).xyz. Doesn't touch the w of dst.
dst and vec can be the same memory
vector3s-rotate*!(dst: vector3s, vec: vector3s, mat: matrix) => vector3ssource
Set dst to vec rotated by the rotation in the homogeneous transform mat.
mat should not have a scale/shear (the upper 3x3 should be a pure rotation).
quaternion: structuresource
matrix->quaternion(arg0: quaternion, arg1: matrix) => quaternionsource
Convert a rotation matrix to a quaternion.
matrix-with-scale->quaternion(arg0: quaternion, arg1: matrix) => quaternionsource
Convert a matrix with a rotation and scale into a quaternion (just the rotation)
quaterion<-rotate-y-vector(arg0: quaternion, arg1: vector) => quaternionsource
Create a quaternion representing only the yaw of the given vector
quaternion*!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Real quaternion multiplication
quaternion+!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Add quaternions as vectors.
quaternion-!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Subtract quaternions as vectors.
quaternion->matrix(arg0: matrix, arg1: quaternion) => matrixsource
Convert quaternion to matrix.
quaternion-axis-angle!(quat: quaternion, x: float, y: float, z: float, angle: float) => quaternionsource
Construct a quaternion from an axis and angle. The axis should be normalized.
quaternion-conjugate!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Set arg0 to the conjugate of arg1 (negate only ijk).
If arg1 is normalized, this is equivalent to the inverse
NOTE: this gives you the inverse rotation.
quaternion-copy!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Set arg0 = arg1
quaternion-delta-y(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => floatsource
Difference in yaw between two quaternions
quaternion-dot(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => floatsource
Treat quaternions as vectors and take the dot product.
quaternion-exp!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Quaternion exponentiation. Unused
quaternion-float*!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Multiply each element
quaternion-float/!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Divide each element
quaternion-i!(arg0: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Create unit i quaternion
quaternion-identity!(arg0: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Set quaternion to 0,0,0,1 (identity)
quaternion-inverse!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Invert a quaternion. The inverse will satisfy q * q^-1 = identity, even if q is not normalized.
If your quaternion is normalized, it is faster/more accurate to do quaternion-conjugate!
quaternion-j!(arg0: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Create unit j quaternion.
quaternion-k!(arg0: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Create unit k quaternion
quaternion-left-mult-matrix!(arg0: matrix, arg1: quaternion) => matrixsource
Place quaternion coefficients into a matrix. Unused.
quaternion-log!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Take the log of a quaternion. Unused.
quaternion-negate!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Set arg0 = -arg1.
quaternion-norm(arg0: quaternion) => floatsource
Get the norm of a quaternion.
quaternion-norm2(arg0: quaternion) => floatsource
Get the squared norm of a quaternion
quaternion-normalize!(arg0: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Normalize a quaternion
quaternion-pseudo-slerp!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: quaternion, arg3: float) => quaternionsource
This is a bad interpolation between quaternions. It lerps then normalizes.
It will behave extremely poorly for 180 rotations.
It is unused.
quaternion-right-mult-matrix!(arg0: matrix, arg1: quaternion) => matrixsource
Place quaternion coefficients into a matrix.
You can convert a quaternion to a matrix by taking the product of this
right-mult and left-mult matrix, but this method is not used.
Instead, quaternion->matrix is a more efficient implementation.
quaternion-rotate-local-x!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Rotate existing quaternion along x axis.
quaternion-rotate-local-y!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Rotate existing quaternion along y axis
quaternion-rotate-local-z!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Rotate existing quaternion along z axis.
quaternion-rotate-x!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Rotate existing quaternion along x axis. This has a different implementation
from the others for some reason.
quaternion-rotate-y!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Rotate existing quaternion along y axis (right multiply)
quaternion-rotate-y-to-vector!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: quaternion, arg3: float) => quaternionsource
Rotate along y so z-axis points to match another. Use arg3 as the max rotation amount.
quaternion-rotate-z!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: float) => quaternionsource
Rotate existing quaternion along z axis. Has the weird implementation too.
quaternion-set!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float) => quaternionsource
Set arg0 = [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4]
quaternion-slerp!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: quaternion, arg2: quaternion, arg3: float) => quaternionsource
Real quaternion slerp. Spherical-linear interpolation is a nice way to interpolate
between quaternions.
quaternion-validate(arg0: quaternion) => nonesource
quaternion-vector-angle!(quat: quaternion, axis: vector, angle: float) => quaternionsource
Construct a quaternion from an axis and angle. The axis should be normalized.
quaternion-vector-len(arg0: quaternion) => floatsource
Assuming quaternion is normalized, get the length of the xyz part.
quaternion-vector-y-angle(arg0: quaternion, arg1: vector) => floatsource
Not sure. Angle between quaternion and axis, projected in xz plane?
quaternion-xz-angle(arg0: quaternion) => floatsource
yet another function to compute the yaw of a quaternion. This is a particularly inefficient version.
quaternion-y-angle(arg0: quaternion) => floatsource
Get the y rotation angle. Not very efficient
quaternion-zero!(arg0: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Set quaternion to all 0's
quaternion-zxy!(arg0: quaternion, arg1: vector) => quaternionsource
Make a quaternion from a sequence of z, x, y axis rotations.
vector-angle<-quaternion!(arg0: vector, arg1: quaternion) => vectorsource
Convert the quaternion arg1 to axis-angle form and store in arg0 (angle goes in w)
vector-rotate-y!(arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: float) => vectorsource
Rotate vector along y axis. Not very efficient.
vector-x-angle(arg0: vector) => floatsource
Get the pitch angle of a vector.
vector-x-quaternion!(arg0: vector, arg1: quaternion) => vectorsource
Get the first row of the rotation matrix for this quaternion
vector-y-angle(arg0: vector) => floatsource
Get the yaw angle of a vector.
vector-y-quaternion!(arg0: vector, arg1: quaternion) => vectorsource
Get the second row of the rotation matrix for this quaternion
vector-z-quaternion!(arg0: vector, arg1: quaternion) => vectorsource
Get the third row of the rotation matrix for this quaternion
transform-matrix-calc!(tf: transform, dst-mat: matrix) => matrixsource
Convert a transform to a matrix. This is not particularly efficient.
transform-matrix-parent-calc!(tf: transform, dst-mat: matrix, inv-scale: vector) => matrixsource
Convert a transform to a matrix, applying an inverse scaling.
trs-matrix-calc!(tf: trs, dst-mat: matrix) => matrixsource
Convert a trs to a matrix
trsqv: trsqsource
type: type
trans: vector
rot: vector
scale: vector
quat: quaternion
pause-adjust-distance: meters
nav-radius: meters
transv: vector
rotv: vector
scalev: vector
dir-targ: quaternion
angle-change-time: time-frame
old-y-angle-diff: float
seek-toward-heading-vec!(obj: trsqv, dir: vector, vel: float, frame-count: time-frame) => quaternionsource
Adjust the orientation to point along dir, only changing our yaw.
The vel is a maximum velocity limit.
The frame count is the time constant (first order).
There's some logic to avoid rapidly changing directions
set-heading-vec!(obj: trsqv, arg0: vector) => quaternionsource
Makes us look in the arg0 direction immediately. Pitch will be unchanged.
seek-to-point-toward-point!(obj: trsqv, arg0: vector, arg1: float, arg2: time-frame) => quaternionsource
Seek toward pointing toward arg0 from our current location.
point-toward-point!(obj: trsqv, arg0: vector) => quaternionsource
Immediately point toward arg0
seek-toward-yaw-angle!(obj: trsqv, yaw: float, vel: float, frame-count: time-frame) => quaternionsource
Seek toward the given yaw angle.
set-yaw-angle-clear-roll-pitch!(obj: trsqv, yaw: float) => quaternionsource
Immediately clear our roll and pitch and set yaw to the given angle
set-roll-to-grav!(obj: trsqv, arg0: float) => quaternionsource
Set our roll so that our local down aligns with standard gravity
set-roll-to-grav-2!(obj: trsqv, arg0: float) => quaternionsource
Set our roll so that our local down aligns with standard gravity
rotate-toward-orientation!(obj: trsqv, target: quaternion, y-rate: float, z-rate: float) => quaternionsource
Adjust our orientation toward target, subject to some rate limits.
I don't think this is a very robust function and probably doesn't work right in cases
where an axis flips by 180 degrees.
set-quaternion!(obj: trsqv, arg0: quaternion) => quaternionsource
Set the rotation as a quaternion
set-heading-vec-clear-roll-pitch!(obj: trsqv, arg0: vector) => quaternionsource
Set our rotation to point along the given heading, with no roll or pitch.
point-toward-point-clear-roll-pitch!(obj: trsqv, arg0: vector) => quaternionsource
Set our orientation to point toward arg0, clearing roll and pitch
rot->dir-targ!(obj: trsqv) => quaternionsource
Set the dir-targ to our current orientation
global-y-angle-to-point(obj: trsqv, arg0: vector) => floatsource
Get the angle in the xz plane from the position of this trsqv to the point arg0.
relative-y-angle-to-point(obj: trsqv, arg0: vector) => floatsource
Get the y angle between the current orientation and arg0.
roll-relative-to-gravity(obj: trsqv) => floatsource
Get our roll, relative to 'down' from gravity
set-and-limit-velocity(obj: trsqv, arg0: int, arg1: vector, arg2: float) => trsqvsource
get-quaternion(obj: trsqv) => quaternionsource
Get the rotation as a quaternion.
matrix<-no-trans-transformq!(arg0: matrix, arg1: transformq) => matrixsource
Create 4x4 affine transform with no translation.
matrix<-parented-transformq!(arg0: matrix, arg1: transformq, arg2: vector) => matrixsource
Unused. Seems like the parented thing means there's an inverse scale in arg2.
matrix<-transformq!(arg0: matrix, arg1: transformq) => matrixsource
Convert to 4x4 affine transform.
matrix<-transformq+trans!(arg0: matrix, arg1: transformq, arg2: vector) => matrixsource
Convert to affine transform with an additional translation (in the local frame).
matrix<-transformq+world-trans!(arg0: matrix, arg1: transformq, arg2: vector) => matrixsource
Convert to affine transform with an additional translation in the world frame (not rotated)
transformq-copy!(arg0: transformq, arg1: transformq) => transformqsource
Set arg0 = arg1
float-type: uint32source
atan-series-rad(arg0: float) => floatsource
A helper function for atan
atan0(arg0: float, arg1: float) => floatsource
inverse tangent, to rotation units. y,x order. Does not handle signs correctly.
Do not use this function directly, instead use atan2
cos-rad(arg0: float) => floatsource
Cosine with taylor series. Input is in radians, in -pi, pi.
- TODO constants
coserp(minimum: float, maximum: float, amount: float) => floatsource
Weird lerp with cosine (over 90 degrees?)
coserp-clamp(minimum: float, maximum: float, amount: float) => floatsource
Weird 90 degree lerp with cosine, clamped to min,max
coserp180-clamp(minimum: float, maximum: float, amount: float) => floatsource
Classic coserp with saturation
deg-(arg0: float, arg1: float) => floatsource
Compute arg0-arg1, unwrapped, using rotation units.
Result should be in the range (-180, 180)
deg-diff(arg0: float, arg1: float) => floatsource
Very similar to the function above, but computes arg1 - arg0 instead.
deg-lerp-clamp(min-val: float, max-val: float, in: float) => floatsource
Map [0, 1] to min-val, max-val, handling wrapping and saturating, using rotation units.
deg-seek(in: float, target: float, max-diff: float) => floatsource
Move in toward target by at most max-diff, using rotation units
deg-seek-smooth(in: float, target: float, max-diff: float, amount: float) => floatsource
Step amount of the way from in to target, by at most max-diff, using rotation units
ease-in-out(total: int, progress: int) => floatsource
Weird coserp like mapping from 0 to 1 as progress goes from 0 to total
sin-rad(arg0: float) => floatsource
Compute the sine of an angle in radians.
No unwrap is done, should be in -pi, pi
sincos!(out: pointer, x: float) => intsource
Compute the sine and cosine of x, store it in the output array.
The input is in rotation units, and is unwrapped properly.
Also has the cosine bug
sincos-rad!(out: pointer, x: float) => intsource
Compute the sine and cosine of x, store it in the output array.
Has the cosine bug.
sinerp(minimum: float, maximum: float, amount: float) => floatsource
map amount to min,max using sine. Kinda weird, usually people use cosine.
sinerp-clamp(minimum: float, maximum: float, amount: float) => floatsource
Like sinerp, but clamp to min,max
tan-rad(arg0: float) => floatsource
This function appears to be named wrong and actually operates on rotation units.
vector-cos-rad!(dst: vector, src: vector) => vectorsource
Compute the cosine of all 4 vector elements.
Radians, with no wrapping. Uses taylor series with 4 coefficients.
vector-rad<-vector-deg!(out: vector, in: vector) => nonesource
Convert a vector in rotation units to radians, and unwrap.
Input can be anything, output will be -2pi to pi.
vector-rad<-vector-deg/2!(out: vector, in: vector) => intsource
Divide the input by two, and then convert from rotation units to radians, unwrapping.
Not sure why this really needs to be separate the from previous function...
vector-sin-rad!(dst: vector, src: vector) => vectorsource
Taylor series approximation of sine on all 4 elements in a vector.
Inputs should be in radians, in -pi to pi.
Somehow their coefficients are a little bit off.
Like the first coefficient, which should obviously be 1, is not quite 1.
vector-sincos!(out-sin: vector, out-cos: vector, in: vector) => intsource
Compute sine and cosine of each element in a vector, in rotation units
vector-sincos-rad!(dst-sin: vector, dst-cos: vector, src: vector) => intsource
Compute the sine and cosine of each element of src, storing it in dst-sin and dst-cos.
This is more efficient than separate calls to sin and cos.
Inputs should be radians in -pi to pi.